Whacking Day Bundle – Whacking Day 2016

The Whacking Day Bundle is touted as a 265 Donut value. Let’s find out if there’s anything sinister going on this time.


Whacking Day Bundle Cost: 125 Donuts — “A 265 Donut value”

Qty Item Donuts Limited?
1 Lumpy 55  ✓
1 Snake Speakers 40  ✓
1 Snake Rocks 30  ✓
1 Hollow Snake Trunk 60  ✓
1 Snake Stump 40  ✓
1 Yellow Practice Snake 10  ✓
1 Red Practice Snake 10  ✓
1 Purple Practice Snake 10  ✓
1 Green Practice Snake 10  ✓

Counting each item gets us to the stated 265 donuts. These new donut numbers are based on changes in the files. It has been claimed that all of the items in the bundle (aside from Lumpy and the practice snakes) are available for purchase after buying the bundle.

Every item in this bundle is limited time, which increases the value a bit. Technically you get 140 donuts worth of items for free. There’s also a 10.75% bonus to your Conform-O-Meter, which also adds some value. Paying 125 donuts compared to the main draw of Lumpy for 55, means that you are paying 70 donuts for the rest of the items.

Personally, I’m more tempted by items that aren’t confined by theme to one event/holiday, but if you really love snakes, this might be worth it to you.


Bonus review: Ninja Homer is available for 60 donuts by purchasing the Ninja Homer Practice Snake. Since all the other practice snakes cost 10 donuts, I figure this makes the Ninja Homer outfit worth 50 donuts. Ninja Homer also has a job that involves this snake as well as the four other practice snakes (the ones in the bundle).

So, if you get this offer, then the 4 snakes in the bundle become more valuable. That changes my previous base value of worth to 95 donuts (Lumpy and the practice snakes), costing only 30 donuts for the other 4 items. Which makes the value a bit better if you are willing to spend a combined total of 185 donuts.

6 comments on “Whacking Day Bundle – Whacking Day 2016

  1. tiffany7291 says:

    I got the bundle but not the Homer skin. I almost got the skin on impulse….then thought of how many skins do I really use? Stonecutter skins I use all the time…but I always laugh when I see Lumpy 🐍 & now he can wander around my town!


    • simp7fan says:

      Sadly I don’t have Stonecutters other. or premium. If I had to choose between that and Ninja, I think I’d choose Ninja. Still deciding.


      • tiffany7291 says:

        If I didn’t have so many already,,I probably would’ve gotten it. I got the fireman Homer & Apu & that was pretty recent so that weighed into my decision. The whole game hinges on what each player wants in their own tiny S.F. The only item that I wasn’t able to get (Shary Bobbins) is the only 1 I wish I had. Most everything gets forgotten as new content arrived.


        • simp7fan says:

          I have conductor, king-size, holiday, and dsh Homer. I use them all when I can. I’m not really worried about premium skins, so it’s just if Ninja seems fun. Soon I won’t be able to juggle the skins maybe.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          I think I have 11 skins for Homer, 3 of which are premium. There’s only so many hours in the day to use them all. 😐


        • simp7fan says:

          More like weeks or months, for me. But yes, 11 would be almost impossible.


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