Friday the RNGth

It’s Friday the Thirteen! Today we are going to explore TSTO superstitions to bring ourselves “good luck”.


The real Sky Finger of the game is the Random Number Generator. But don’t let that fool you. You can still fool it into increasing your good luck and preventing bad luck.

This is a list of 13 superstitions to adhere to while playing TSTO:

  1. Always play at least once a day.
  2. Send all characters at once using the Job Manager.
  3. Never send Homer on a task longer than 8 hours.
  4. Never send any character on a task longer than 24 hours.
  5. Stampy should never redecorate the house. Elephants are not good decorators.
  6. Always attempt to accrue as much Money as you are old times a million. (If you’re 20 years old you try to collect 20 million.)
  7. When visiting neighbors, always visit left to right. But if you get interrupted (where you have to start back at Other Springfield), continue right to left. If you get interrupted again, you have to wait until the next day. (Apologies to the middle neighbors.)
  8. If you play on a phone, don’t have friends or family that love you. You don’t want the bad luck of a phone call interrupting your game.
  9. Do have plenty of internet friends. One hundred or more.
  10. Always finish all time-limited quests. If the event ends before you can finish then you can fix that by buying a premium character or decoration.
  11. If you don’t recognize a new item or character in the game you must now watch an entire season of The Simpsons. It doesn’t matter which season.
  12. When choosing between bonut boxes, always choose based on which finger you last turned your device on with.
  13. [This space left intentionally blank.]

What does your list look like?

97 comments on “Friday the RNGth

  1. Davidbo33 says:

    I’m not superstitious but I am a little stitious. Nice list. I don’t have a list of my own so I thought I’d go through yours…
    1. Check
    2. Used to but during this event I’m manually sending everyone on their longest indoor jobs to keep the streets clear
    3. When do you have time to? Although, whenever I earn the final prize of act 3, and finish any questlines, I’m sending Homer to get probed or to the donut torture device. Just ’cause.
    4. See 3
    5. That’s all Stampy is good for…
    6. Done it a few times over
    7. I go right, can’t go left
    8. No problem there 😛
    9. Check
    10. Always!
    11. I’d have to watch a lot of seasons!
    12. If I could remember…

    Liked by 1 person

    • simp7fan says:

      Thanks for the response. I didn’t exactly have a list… I’m not really stitious at all, but I am a little OCD — like crossing my eyes and dotting my Tees. Well, you know what I mean. I made the list just for this post….(this is where you roll your eyes).

      Replies to some of yours:
      2. I got it lined up with 4h jobs to sync with the plaza. Thankfully I still have the She-She for most characters to go to. This means that Job Manager works for me also having clear streets.
      3. This list is not just for events. Did you know that this is the only Friday the 13th this year?
      5. It’s kind of the joke superstition….not that they all aren’t, but I’m pretty sure this one makes the least sense. 🙂
      6. I’m still a toddler….
      7. You’ll never make it in NASCAR with that attitude!
      12. That’s where you have to obsess over the little things so that you can successfully win more little things. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Davidbo33 says:

        I figured the list was a bit tongue-in-cheek. 😉 Especially when you’re doing so many things wrong. 😛

        I usually use the Job Manger for everything. It’s just so much quicker and I’m in favor of anything that speeds up my game play. The JM, IRS, and finished task finder are big improvements, IMO.

        Is an elephant decorating a house the equivalent of a bull in a china shop?

        I think I go right because when I started playing there weren’t arrows to get to the next town. You had to go back to the friends page and then to the next town. Pretty annoying and time consuming, but, back then, everyone’s town was smaller and loaded faster. So, unless you went all the way to the end of your friends and started there, then going left wasn’t an option.


        • simp7fan says:

          Your list, if you had actually made one, would looks very different than mine. Only going right, for example. Maybe loading every screen, no using of the icons that skip directly to your town for another example. 😛

          I heard about how the game used to be…but I’ve never played that way, so I don’t give it much thought. JM, IRS, and FTF are all new since I started…and I can’t remember living without them. 😉 (except FTF, since it’s very new and kind of annoying…)

          On the bull-elephant equivalency, probably. My joke would probably extend that an elephant would pair two non-complementary colors together and would ignore feng shui completely. 😉

          Um, what was I doing wrong?


        • Davidbo33 says:

          I was only kidding. I don’t know that our lists would be all that different. Other than going right, which I do use the arrows for, and is more a force of habit from when I first started. That’s for “normal” visits. During this event I’m only sending prospectors and not to every neighbor (if they’ve reached the final prize or are way ahead of the calendar etc) so I’m visiting from the neighbor screen and skipping towns. I do send Homer on longer tasks but always in a building that’s easy to store, usually the Shuttle Hangar for his 24hr job.

          What don’t you like about FTF? It’s a little annoying for very short tasks (30s or less) but I find it so nice to easily find everyone. That was one of my slight OCD things, if I knew someone was finished but I couldn’t find them.

          One of those multi-layer, explanation necessary jokes? Nice! 😉😛

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          What I don’t like about FTF (besides it’s acronym 😉 ) is that it cuts off the circular nature of the ACF (Available Character Finder). Remember being able to go through all the characters until you found one that you wanted to set to a task? It was just another option, in addition to using the Census and just plain old looking for them. I’d love it if both of them would circle — finished tasks + available characters — then I could make choices as I go. Say, assign Skinner to Plastics, release Maggie to play the game, then release everyone else for another go at the Job Manager. I guess I’m saying that I want to be able to manage more…and being stuck on exactly one character to release from a task puts a huge damper on that.

          I’m not being very succinct here (am I ever?) so that’s all I’ll write for the moment.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. tiffany7291 says:

    Ok….I hate to ask but what does FTF stand for? I’m wracking my brain & I’m sure I’ll feel like an idiot….but I can’t seem to remember?!… Anyways,, I am such a tight wad that I never use the employment office thing to set jobs. On the rare occasions that I have,, I tell myself “you have to spend $ to make $”…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vanessa says:

    Always have the confirm donut spend on!

    How come you forget the most important one? 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • simp7fan says:

      That’s a good one. It’s just that I’ve never had that issue. I think it’s an iOS-specific issue. I guess if I forgot one it’s “Only use an Android device to play”. 😉 😛


      • vanessamy2542 says:

        Noooooo way! Events ALWAYS hit on iOS first! iOS for the win!

        On a serious note now, my only two “superstitions” is that I never send Maggie to any tasks, and that I always send Homer on tasks that I can free him if I want to. That means, no outside task for Homie 😦 what’s unfortunate, ’cause I have 13 skins for him. (Yes, I’m rubbing it in your face, and in Davidbo’s).


        • simp7fan says:

          I can put Homer on an outside task: King-size Homer at the work at home station. 😛 (Let the face-rubbing continue!) How can you not send Maggie? Does that mean that you don’t use the JobManager?


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Oh I do put Homer on outdoor tasks as long as they take place in a decoration, like the donut torture device.

          I NEVER use the Job Manager. Ohhh those running thumbs… They REALLY annoy me. I send my characters individually on tasks.


        • simp7fan says:

          I guess I read that wrong. Also, what’s “running thumbs”?


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          HAHAHA okay, after all we have already talked, I didn’t think you would get lost with “running thumbs”. Maybe I should say running thumbs up? You know, if you send Cookie Kwan on her 8-hour task that earns REV (I’m not a billionaire yet), when her task is done, you see a thumb up on her running through all your Springfield, because she is running.

          Currently she’s the only one who I send on a non-static task, so I was actually thinking exclusively about her. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the good laugh! 😅

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          Oh. I thought of the task completion thumbs. I guess if I thought about it a little harder that would come to mind. But the FTF (finished task finder) should eliminate that as a problem. I no longer worry about missing them. I used to always miss Mrs. Quimby, shopping. She’s not running as much, but she hides up in the ornate piers.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I actually dislike the FTF. It messes up with my tasks at Springfield Heights. Now I have to memorize which characters have tasks there, skip them when I’m using the character locator, and after sending all my characters on their respective tasks, THEN send those at SH. Thank God I’m not doing the Rail Yard thing anymore, ’cause otherwise I’d be twice as annoyed.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          It’s a little annoying but I just send my SH characters back to work right away then clear more thumbs with the FTF. Have to be quick but I always am. 😛

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          I learned that it’s better just to release all the characters first then assign tasks, specifically for SH and Rail Yard jobs which are assigned from those buildings. Being quick doesn’t work for me, especially with over 100 characters on jobs.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          That’ll work, too. And that’s where the job manager comes in handy. If you’re making furniture, especially, it would get old having those finished tasks popping up every 30 seconds when you’re assigning jobs to the rest of your characters.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          How many characters do you have? How can you NOT use the Job Manager?


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I believe you have more… I’ve missed out on a few free characters and have only purchased a few. How many do you have?

          And I don’t use the job manager because I like to send my characters on the longest indoor task possible. I started doing that during the Tap Ball event, in order to be easier to find the fans, and just kept doing it.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          I have 125. It’s a lot of work assigning jobs to all of them.

          Liked by 1 person

        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Okay, I don’t know what happened but it was supposed to have a “122” in the beginning of my post. 122 characters.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Maybe I should have said “there was supposed to have”? I have just woken up… 😴


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          There was supposed to be* sigh

          Okay, I’ll go have my coffee. ☕️


    • Davidbo33 says:

      When I first started playing, before finding the confirm donut spend, I accidentally sped up a brown house. I’m still peeved about losing those two donuts! 🍩🍩😡


    • simp7fan says:

      I forgot to mention that you ruined my perfect 13 comments (think about it). 😛 It’s all good now.


      • vanessamy2542 says:

        Oh, c’mon, the party is not the same without me! 🎉 I don’t ruin anything, I just spread the joy! 🎊🎈💃🏻

        Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          You ruined my bad luck, therefore you are good luck, yes.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Awwwww. 😊

          I’ve come to a conclusion about you, you know… You never sleep. You’re a non-sleeper. Probably because you don’t have TV.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          Not sleeping is a good thing? I got less than 5 hours last night and I’m not so sure. 😜😴


        • simp7fan says:

          I have a TV and TV series… I can still fall asleep to them… But back to your conclusion….no. I both never sleep and sleep too much. lol. But that’s a story for another time. 😉

          David, get some sleep! 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

        • Davidbo33 says:

          I’m not tiredzzzz💤😴

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          I’ve come to a conclusion about me. I need to wake up before I read/reply to comments. You never said not sleeping was good. I’d say it’s not good lol. 😜


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Oh, now I see. I was gonna say you should probably see a doctor… You know, being always hangry is bad enough. Being hangreepy is worrying. 😛

          Liked by 2 people

        • simp7fan says:

          I’m just going to throw this out there, if we’re portmanteauing words here: horngry.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          But if I see a doctor he might find something wrong. No doctor, no problem! 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • vanessamy2542 says:

          HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my. Now I just HAVE to be inappropriate and say that “horngry” have a really strong meaning for those that partake! Thanks!

          Okay, bye. 😳


        • simp7fan says:

          Really? I didn’t know. Is that why “the spirit of love” manifested during the 60s?


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Oh dear lord, you REALLY didn’t know?

          And partly yes, but most of that “spirit of love” comes from different types (dosages) of LSD. No comparison to marijuana then.

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          I thought being drunk was the “spirit of love” drug, not necessarily a horngry drug though.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          That’s one of the most innocent things I’ve recently read/heard. It’s cute even (no offense). But deep inside I’m laughing at you. Can’t help. Sorry. 😛

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          That’s fine. Just fine. I never get called “innocent”, probably because in most aspects I’m not. I’m just not involved in the world of drugs so I don’t exactly connect them to anything except legally. I guess I should have guessed ( 😛 ) ecstasy, at least, so you’re definitely free to laugh at me.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I am greatly refraining myself from replying to this comment, because we’re on a public forum. GREATLY. I’m not used to it (I think you could tell). It hurts! 😥

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          LOL. You can just email me, then. Duh! 😛


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Just admit you’re curious. 😛

          You’ll have to formulate the questions first and ask me. I already have a tendency to share/say too much than originally intended… 😳

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          If you want to pay back for that I-have-the-worst-impression-of-you thing, now it’s a good time. Bring it on!

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          Oh, I wouldn’t do that. I’m too nice. 😇 Plus, anything I say, I know you’ll use against me in the future. Always pickin’ on poor lil Davebo. 😛

          Liked by 1 person

        • vanessamy2542 says:

          It does sound like something I would do. 😛

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          Oh. I didn’t know I needed to ask a question. Isn’t that why the oversharing occurs? 😉

          Sure, I’m curious…but I thought it was more stuff about me, so I was scared.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I can’t see how this would be about you… I thought it was about me!

          And now I don’t know which one of us is more egocentric. Lol. Jk. 😉


        • simp7fan says:

          You said I was innocent and then wanted to share something… I don’t know why it couldn’t be construed as about me. But, I did figure out what question I was supposed to ask. Should I ask it here or email? lol


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Email. I already have two pending emails from you, why not one more? Lol.

          Plus, I strongly believe there are more people besides Davidbo (hiiii, Davidbo) reading this.


        • simp7fan says:

          lol. But, we can’t leave David out of it. 😛


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Oh, he will speak up if he feels like doing so. Don’t worry. 😛


        • Davidbo33 says:

          I’ve been called out! I have no idea what you two are talking about. 😏 Well, ok, not no idea, but I’m confused. 🤔 It’s ok, though. Carry on as you wish (not that you need my permission), I won’t feel left out.

          Liked by 2 people

        • simp7fan says:

          Permission granted, thanks. Hah. Don’t worry, we’ll torture you with inside jokes about it later. 😉

          Liked by 2 people

        • Davidbo33 says:

          I love inside jokes. I’d love to be a part of one someday.

          Liked by 2 people

        • simp7fan says:

          And, uh, yes, there are more readers than those who comment. My stats usually list more unique visitors than those who post comments. (Not by much, but still.) Plus, I have at least a dozen subscribers, who might get notifications. It’s not as scary as Addicts, but maybe being personal with a small group is even scarier. 😉


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I don’t want to upset you, and I don’t know how WordPress works, but I accidentally subscribed to your blog and unsubscribed right after. Notifications actually bother me a little.

          But, still… I’m quite impressed. 😊

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          That’s fine. Having people subscribed freaks me out, too. I know that’s part of the process and it’s a good thing, but I’m just that shy of a person. It’s almost like a subscriber has as much power as I do. (The power to see me….) I just wanted to have a space where I can write what I wanted and not have it disappear into a sea of comments (and then into history). Makes sense to have people around to read these things, or I’m just talking to myself. (I don’t need more of that. 😉 )

          Of the blogs I’m subscribed to, I turned off email notifications for nearly all of them. I just use the WordPress Reader to read them at my leisure.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. vanessamy2542 says:

    And I accidentally bought the Mime (40 donuts)! At that time, that was a FORTUNE! I remember screaming in frustration… Seriously, I’ve been playing since Oct/2012, my first official premium purchase was Otto, and that was only after approx. two years, in Aug/2014… And only because it was a Gil Deal. I really don’t know how I’m still playing this game…


    • simp7fan says:

      The Squidport Mime? That sounds like a horrible purchase. 😉 lol

      I just can’t really hold onto too much Donuts because I start to feel weird for not taking advantage of my stock. I’m at about 200 right now….I’m a little itchy, but this Wild West event is making it sorta easy to wait. 😦


      • Davidbo33 says:

        Nothing in this event interests me, at least to spend donuts on. I’m almost up to 1,000. I wish I would have gotten some other items from recent events but I guess it’s the old, donuts are so hard to come-by, mentality that I still have. It’s gotta be a must have!


      • vanessamy2542 says:

        Yes, the mime from Squidport. 😡

        I’ve learned the hard way to only spend donuts on things I really, really, REALLY want. What means I spent 225 donuts on the Snow Globe and I don’t regret a bit. I like to have a “safe” amount of donuts, so if anything super cool hits, I’m ready! 👊

        Liked by 1 person

    • Davidbo33 says:

      I think I spent 5 donuts to get rid of a task to add friends. I had no idea what I was doing at the time.

      Otto was my first purchase, too. And before that Gil deal. I was a little bummed about that. Same thing happened with Barney, although I got him a while before the space event with the rebate.


      • vanessamy2542 says:

        I just want to take a moment to brag here and say that I got Barney for free. And the Plow King costume. 😛


        • Davidbo33 says:

          I got the Plow King skin before I had Barney so that just added to the “must-have” for him. I saved forever to get up to 250 donuts. Would have been really nice to get it for half that, plus his space skin. 😐


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I see… Currently I’m leaning towards Jasper. I have his Tapball skin in my inventory, but the main reason is that he is the only one missing in my snow globe. Well, Witch Burns too, but since I have Ebenezer Burns, it’s okay.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          You should have his Stonecutter skin, don’t you? That’s one of the reasons I got him, those two skins, and that he helps with SH.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I don’t. My phone suffered water damage during the Stonecutters event and I missed out on most of it. 😭


        • Davidbo33 says:

          That’s too bad. I think it’s still my favorite event. Or, maybe, I just have fond memories. It was the first event, that I can recall, with an element of the daily challenge.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          It was. The daily riddles were really fun. But my favorite event is the Superheroes one.

          And just so you know, Whacking Day event is waaaaaay overestimated (saying this because I saw a comment from you on the poll post).


        • Davidbo33 says:

          Out of curiosity, what is your least favorite event? If it’s Whacking Day, pick one from when I’ve been playing (Halloween 2013). What about you, Simp7fan?

          Liked by 1 person

        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Mine is pretty obvious… It’s everyone’s least favorite event. (by “everyone”, read “everyone who has played that event”)


        • Davidbo33 says:

          Easter? With the dreaded wheel?

          Liked by 1 person

        • vanessamy2542 says:


          Which group were you in? I was in the Father Sean group.

          By the way, what’s your least favorite event?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          Father Sean! I was looking up the prizes for that event and I missed out on Shary Bobbins, Hugs Bunny and some decorations. But I actually liked that event. I didn’t realize how hated it was until I started going to the Addicts and saw that so many felt the same as you.

          Clash of Clones, by far, is the worst event I’ve played. I think a lot of people seem to have forgotten about it. When it was going on I remember so many people complaining about it, but, now, when I see people talk about the worst events, it’s rarely, if ever, mentioned.


        • vanessamy2542 says:

          Clash of Clones? WORSE than Easter 2014?

          Okay, you don’t need to go to a doctor. I can diagnose you. You definitely have a problem.

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          Just one? 😝

          Clash of Clones was a really long event (at the time the longest, I believe) but the way it was set up (without acts like they do now) I was finished with all the prizes in about two weeks. And the prizes had almost nothing to do with The Simpsons. No bonuts in that event, either, just extra event currency. Currency which could be used for decorations that I already had a bunch of…in storage. Visiting neighbors, or strangers towns to earn the event currency (which was the main way to earn it) took too long and got old fast. There was really nothing I liked about it. But, yeah, that’s enough ranting lol. 😛

          Liked by 1 person

        • vanessamy2542 says:

          I see. Whacking Day was exactly the opposite. It was set at an impossible pace, but with some really cool prizes. I didn’t manage to get Bare-Chested Willie, the coliseum and miss Springfield (the last three prizes) and I was SO frustrated.

          By the way, was the Snake Statue (the one what resembles Jebediah) available for purchase during the very mini Whacking Day sale? It just occurred to me now… I don’t remember reading about it.


        • Davidbo33 says:

          It was not available.


        • simp7fan says:

          Even though this event is not over, this might be might least favorite event in terms of enthusiasm.

          In terms of execution (problems) it’d probably be THOH 2015.

          I had an issue with my first event, Terwilliger, because I couldn’t move on as I was too low of a level, but that could be an issue with any event for a low level player.

          I started to go a little crazy with Tap Ball. Events where you have to wait for seconds after you tap to get the results are maddening if you are doing that for over a month! Yeah, I can wait an hour or 24 hours, but don’t make me wait 3 or 4 seconds at a time! 😛

          BTW, thanks for including me. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          I’m ready for this event to be over. It’s too long, the prizes don’t interest me, and I’m just…bored. If level 60 is ever going to drop, now’s the time!

          A couple other recent events have had problems for lower level players. EA might need to rethink some things if they’re going to be event exclusive. Might turn off some new players.

          I wanted both of your opinions, to see how they compared to mine. A longer-term player and a newer (than me) player. This event reminds me of Clash of Clones. Not how it’s played, exactly, but just my feeling of boredom and wanting it to be over.

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          Clash of Clones was one of the events not really based on a Simpsons episode, right?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Davidbo33 says:

          Right, just a “parody” of Clash of Clans.

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          Do you think that’s part of why it failed to capture your interest? Had you played Clash of Clans? (I haven’t.)


        • Davidbo33 says:

          I haven’t played Clash of Clans, so I can’t compare them. It doesn’t really interest me, though.

          Most of these events are pretty similar. Send a certain group of characters to earn event currency, tap whatever’s wandering around town, visit neighbors to tap same things or sometimes send out prospectors (or similar). But, for reasons I can’t fully explain, different events have a different “feel” to them. A certain “je ne sais quoi.” Maybe it’s the ease of the event, maybe it’s the prizes, maybe it’s bonuts. Bonuts alone do not make an event for me but if there were bonuts in this event I would enjoy it slightly more.

          Clash of Clones was set up differently (in how to earn currency) but it just didn’t work for me. Maybe I should have been happy they tried something new. I wish they would change things up a little more.

          Liked by 1 person

        • simp7fan says:

          Maybe they should take advantage of the mini-events (DSH, not Whacking Day 2016) to test out other methods of earning currency.

          Liked by 1 person

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